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Hi so I have started blogging because I love to write, OK my grammar leaves something to be desired but the content its what I aim for, I hope I do it justice. I'm a 21 and I love writing sex story's I'd love you to read them and tell me what you think. I'll chat and role play but my big thing is my story's, I have posted them on other sites on the net and they have gone down well but the comments are a bit naff. So that's me have a read and enjoy, comment if you enjoyed them. Happy reading.(I would ask that if you read the stories to leave a comment, I do like feedback please)

Monday 7 July 2014


This is a story i really enjoy ;) so I thought I share it with you guys
Looking back, the first time I saw her, I think I knew we were going to fall in love.

There's just something about McKayla . . .

The wicked glint in her eyes when she laughs. The way she tilts her head and smiles knowingly. Her hips sway when she walks. Her eyes seem to bore right through you. When she talks, you are the most important person in the world to her. She's the sexiest person in any room and she knows it.

It took me a while to realise what it was, but I was irrevocably smitten. Maybe it was because I was young and impressionable. Maybe I was in an "experimental" stage of my life. Or maybe McKayla was that person who comes along once in your lifetime and if you don't grab her right then, you'll regret it forever.

I had just moved to the beach after graduating from college. My uncle knew a guy who got me a job working for a buddy of his as the office manager for a warehouse. I didn't know a soul in the town, but I wanted to live anywhere but Po-dunk, USA, and that was the first job opportunity I got.

It was me and forty guys who worked at the local adult beverage distributor. They were a little crude and—shall we say—"unrefined", but they were all basically good guys. Most of the time, they tried not to tell sexist jokes around me and usually didn't burp or fart in my presence, but they didn't always remember.

Being the new person (and only girl), I was subjected to a lot of good-natured hazing, but pretty soon, I was just one of the guys. It helped that I liked football and could cuss up a bluestreak with the best of them. I also didn't tolerate their bullshit, and I could dish out as much as I could take.

Still, some days, I longed for some female company. The warehouse was next to a strip mall that had a doctor's office, a mom-and-pop Chinese restaurant and the local branch of a large bank in it. It turned out that a teller and a medical technician had the same lunch time as me and after meeting fairly frequently over the lunch buffet, pretty soon we were hanging out together after work.

Allyson was seeing a guy and Bretlynn was single. I had broken up with my boyfriend near the end of my senior year. We had gone out for about two years, but he never exhibited a lot of drive. He seemed to be on the six (or eight) year plan and was content to take all the classes he could as long as his parents were paying.

He was pretty, but his not having any ambition led to a lot of resentment in me which led to simmering anger which led to poor communication which led to him not being able to keep his dick in his pants. I dumped his sorry ass and never looked back. I wonder now why I put up with his shit for so long.

Anyway, a couple of nights a week Allyson, Bretlynn and I started going out for drinks and hanging out. Sometimes, Allyson's boyfriend would join us; sometimes he had to work late or we had a girl's night out. I dated a couple of guys, but I wanted to be single for a while and enjoy being 22 before I did the spouse and family thing that I thought everyone expected of me.

One night, Allyson brought her friend McKayla with her. She was a couple of years older than the rest of us and was a financial planner at the bank where Allyson worked.

I remember thinking how pretty she was. McKayla went to college on a softball scholarship and was tall, with a firm, muscular build, dark hair and perfect skin. She was the kind of girl that made everyone around her go "Dayum!"

McKayla also had an air of supreme confidence about her. I think that's what attracted me to her. She seemed to know herself. I didn't know what I wanted out of life. I didn't have a plan for tomorrow, much less for 10 years. Hell, I was just happy to have a college diploma and a job that would make my rent, student loan payments and leave me just enough to go out a couple of nights a week.

The four of us went to a local seafood restaurant for dinner and then downtown to the boardwalk for drinks and dancing. McKayla was nice and friendly. She's the kind of person that doesn't know any strangers. I ended up sitting next to her and we talked all night, mostly about work and other inconsequential stuff. She drew me out immediately.

We stayed out until close to midnight, but since it was a work night, we couldn't stay out too late, so we promised to all go out again.

As Allyson and I were walking back to her car, for some reason I turned over my shoulder to get one last glimpse of McKayla, who waved. I reflexively waved back.

"You know she's a lesbian, right?" Allyson said.

My jaw dropped. I thought she was just friendly.

"I think she likes you," my friend said with a wink, and I couldn't tell if she was joking or not.

In hindsight, that certainly explained why some of the things McKayla had said to me earlier might have sounded like a little more than conversation just between friends.

What it didn't explain was why my pulse raced when I saw her smile.


The four of us continued to go out a couple of times a week. After a couple of months, I had settled into my job and felt fairly comfortable around town.

McKayla and I became close friends; I never got the feeling that she was hitting on me, but nor could I ignore the fact that there always seemed to be a sort of tension between us.

When our eyes would meet, for the briefest second there was just the two of us; the rest of the world faded away. She would smile at me, as if she knew something I didn't. Then I'd blink and look away, embarrassed.

This went on for a month or so until my birthday, which happened to fall on a Saturday night.

I was turning 23 and the girls took me out for an all-night bender. It started at my place when they came to pick me up. One of the advantages of working for a liquor distributor is that there is never a shortage of booze. Somehow, the inventory is always off by a bottle or two and no one ever seems to know where it went . . .

Bretlynn and I were hanging out trying to decide if we wanted to party with our friend Jose or our other friend The Captain when Allyson and McKayla showed up. After some friendly discussion, someone opened the Cuervo and the night began.

Things were fine for the first two hours and then my memory gets blurry. We went to dinner at P.F. Chang's. There was some more liquor involved, followed by dinner and some singing by the servers. Then we went out to the clubs. Allyson, Bretlynn and I got pretty hammered while McKayla took lots of incriminating pictures and babysat us. Someone needed to be our designated driver, after all.

In the midst of the tequila-induced haze, I have one lucid memory of that night.

We were at one of our favourite places. I was humping and grinding on anything that moved. Apparently it made me very popular with the guys there (and a couple of the girls, too).

Allyson had her backside stuck out and was shaking it suggestively towards me. I was making a big show out of smacking her playfully for everyone to see.

Turning over my shoulder, I saw McKayla dancing near us with an amused smile on her face. I don't know what came over me, but I reached out and pulled her to me.

Before she could react, I stuck my tongue into her mouth. I'm sure it was wonderful for her. Here I was—drunk out of my mind, smelling of smoke and too much perfume, tasting of tequila and God only knows what else—trying to make out with her.

Very romantic, don't you think?

I remember her eyes getting real big for just a second, then she pulled back and, for the first time I could recall, McKayla appeared to be at a loss for words or what to do.

With a drunken laugh, I turned back to Allyson and we continued to dance, but I remember McKayla standing there for a long moment, as if she was wondering what signal I was sending.

The girls later told me the night ended when the bars closed. I have to take their word for it. The next morning was ugly. I hadn't had a night like that since college. Granted that wasn't too long ago, but still, you'd think that I'd have learned my lesson after the last time. Or two.

I woke up with a splitting headache. You know the kind: It's where you spend the next three hours puking your guts out, all the while saying to yourself (repeat after me), "Dear God, I promise I will never drink that much again . . . if You will only make the throbbing go away and the room stop spinning. Amen."

Thankfully, wherever I had ended up, someone had the good sense to draw the curtains closed and the neighbours were mercifully quiet. That could only mean I was no where near my apartment. After all, the kids on the other side of my bedroom wall were always up at 7 am and raising hell by 7:15. The superintendent liked to mow the lawn early in the morning, and I had (unfortunately) gotten a unit that was near the pool, which on a nice summer day was usually busy and crawling with urchin children from Hell.

Trying not to upset my internal equilibrium, I looked around the room for a clock. It was a little after noon. I moaned and rubbed my temples.

It took me a few minutes until I could bring myself to sit up. I let out a stream of unladylike curses under my breath and willed myself not to throw up on the very nice duvet.

Someone had changed me out of my clothes and into a long nightshirt. Underneath, my panties were on, but my bra was gone. I brushed my hair out of my eyes and then looked around (but not too quickly) to see where I was.

I didn't immediately recognise anything. There was a picture of two people about my uncle's age next to the clock radio. A couple of paintings hung from the walls. A solid oak dresser and nightstand matched the very nice (and probably expensive) headboard.

There were three doors in the room. I stumbled towards one of them and fumbled with the handle. It opened into a hallway. The sunlight coming from an open window hit me and I recoiled back into the bedroom. I tried door number two.

It was the one I was looking for: the bathroom.

I dropped my panties and plopped down on the toilet, as relieved to be off my feet as anything else.

The recent activity only made me feel worse. My head still throbbed.

"Amberle?" I heard a voice call. McKayla. "Are you okay, sweetie?"

Her footsteps came down the hall. I heard the door to the bedroom open and saw McKayla poke her head into the room. She turned and saw me in her bathroom.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said and quickly closed the door.

I finished my business and then stood, very slowly. I stumbled out of the bathroom and out into the bright hallway. McKayla was waiting for me. She was all dressed up in a nice pants suit and leaning against the doorframe.

"How are you feeling?" Her voice was soft, probably knowing that loud noises weren't going to be good for me.

"Like shit," I replied feebly as my eyes adjusted. The taste in my mouth was stale, a mixture of tequila, beer and morning breath.

McKayla only smiled.

She walked me to the kitchen and led me to a table in front of a nice bay window. The bright sunlight stung my eyes, but the view of the water blew me away. Her house was right on the beach. Off the deck was a walkway going over the dunes right on to the sand.

I had never been to her place before. I knew she lived a little ways north and that she lived by herself, but I had no idea her home was this nice. She usually came over to one of our dumpy apartments because Allyson, Bretlynn and I lived closer to the clubs and the action.

For the next several moments, I only stared out her window dumbly. She pushed a bottle of Sprite into my hands which I drank reflexively.

"Feel like something to eat?" she asked.

I could only nod.

"I've got cereal, toast, bagels and waffles," McKayla said. "Take your pick."

"I'll have a bagel," I mumbled, turning away from the window.

Her kitchen was spacious and warm. The appliances were shiny and looked as if they had been taken out of the box maybe a month before. I could only imagine how much her place cost; right on the beach, almost brand new and big.

Efficiently, McKayla fixed me a plain bagel with cream cheese, then sat down next to me. I nibbled at the food, not really hungry, but I knew I had to get something into my stomach. I just hoped I could keep it down.

"I didn't do anything stupid last night, did I?" I finally managed to ask.

She smiled slightly. "Not really."

It was then that I remembered my drunken pass at her. I looked away, embarrassed. If she was going to call me on it, that was the time, but she didn't.

"Where are Allyson and Bretlynn?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Allyson is in one of the guest bedrooms," McKayla replied gently. "I took Bretlynn home on the way to mass."

"You go to church?" I asked.

"Every Sunday," she said, very matter-of-factly.

I was taken aback by her reply. I didn't figure being Catholic and a homosexual went together very well, given the papal stance on same-sex relations. What did I know, though? My family wasn't very religious and I had never gone to church regularly.

"Eat up," McKayla said gently and patted my hand. Then she stood. "I'm going to wake up Allyson and then get you girls home."

As she walked away, I wished her touch had lasted a little bit longer.

McKayla got us up and dressed, then took us back to our apartments. There was no throwing up involved. Just a massive headache. I sat in my apartment for the rest of the day, partly hungover, partly confused.

What was it about her that gave me chills just thinking about her? Was it really a sexual kind of arousal? She was certainly a pretty girl. Plus she was smart, funny and kind. However, I had never had any sort of lesbian feelings. I liked guys; that much had always been certain.

Still, I couldn't deny that there was some sort of attraction between us. And it wasn't just as friends. There was just something about her . . .

The memory of our kiss—however fleeting, however clouded by liquor—was the only thing from the previous night that was crystal clear in my mind. Her lips were so soft. Her touch so gentle. Just the thought of that kiss made me tingle from head to toe. What did it mean?

The next week flew by. We had plans to go out on Saturday night and it was my week to be the DD, which was kind of a relief since I didn't feel like drinking much anyway.

We decided to go out for dinner and then hang out along the boardwalk.

There is a really nice seafood restaurant that's right on the intercoastal and not too far from my apartment. There's a dock around back, and in the early afternoon a boat pulls up and unloads the day's catch. Talk about a fresh meal.

McKayla came over to my place after work and then we went to pick up Allyson and Bretlynn. There was a palpable tension in the air between us but neither of us wanted to talk about it, or even acknowledge it.

While waiting for our names to be called, Allyson and Bretlynn had a glass (or two) of wine. We sat on the deck watching the sun set and making small talk. The restaurant pager went off and we got up to go inside.

On the way, we passed another group of girls. One of them waved at McKayla.

"Hey," she said shyly.

"Hi," McKayla replied, her usual poise gone, suddenly becoming uncomfortable. She stopped for a second and the rest of us piled up behind her.

"How have you been?" the girl asked. She took a tentative step forward. Familiar.

"Okay. You?"


McKayla shifted nervously and flashed the blinking pager in her hand. "Our table just got called. I'll see you around."

"Um . . . okay." It might have been my imagination, but I thought she sounded disappointed. What I knew wasn't my imagination was the twinge of jealousy I felt from the pit of my stomach.

We were seated and were looking over the menu. McKayla looked like she wanted to disappear behind hers.

"Who was that?" Allyson asked casually. When she's drinking, sometimes she says things she might not say otherwise.

McKayla blushed. "Vicki Damron."

"Didn't you—" Allyson started.

"Yes," McKayla said curtly. She lowered her menu enough to shoot Allyson a stop-talking-now-or-I'm-going-to-smack-you look.

Bretlynn giggled at the other girl's obvious discomfort. I watched McKayla's reaction carefully. She wouldn't make eye contact with me.

The rest of the meal passed uneventfully. Allyson and Bretlynn let the subject drop and moved on to gossip about their friends and other topics. McKayla still wouldn't look at me. Her face was flushed with what I thought was embarrassment and maybe a little bit of shame.

A little while later, we were back in my car and headed downtown. We parked on a public lot and then headed over towards the boardwalk. There were a couple of dives and clubs we frequented there. I didn't feel much like dancing and if I let myself admit it, I really wanted to be rid of Allyson and Bretlynn.

The four of us stopped at a place that had a deck off the back. Allyson went to the bar and brought drinks for the three who were drinking. Our two companions were already pretty loose; McKayla was uncharacteristically quiet.

We talked for a while and then guys started showing up to hit on us. It was a familiar pattern. Allyson and Bretlynn reveled in the attention. McKayla and I politely waved off all but the most persistent ones; those we shot down mercilessly. After a few minutes, the pair disappeared with a couple of guys to the dance area in front of the band.

That left McKayla and I sitting at the table in one corner of the deck. The silence between us was deafening. Neither of us wanted to start the conversation.

McKayla stared off into the distance. A warm sea breeze blew in.

"She wasn't my girlfriend," McKayla said softly. Almost apologetically. I could barely hear her above the music and the chatter. "We just went out a couple of times."

"No chemistry?" I asked. There were butterflies in my stomach.

The other girl shifted uncomfortably. "There was lots of chemistry."

"So what happened?"

There was a long pause. McKayla looked down for just a second, then let out a bitter sigh. "The same thing that happens every time: my head keeps getting stuck up my ass."

I didn't know what to say. I don't know why, but I reached across the table and took her hand. She was trembling. McKayla looked up at me for the first time that night and tried to smile.

Something I had never seen before was in her eyes. Fear.

"Why?" I whispered.

"I don't know," she said, her frustration evident.

"Afraid of being hurt?"

"I think I'm afraid of being happy."

My hand squeezed hers gently.

She wiped her eyes. "It seems like every time things start to go my way, something comes along and kicks me right in the ass."

This was the first time she had ever opened up to me like this. Her self-assured persona was gone, wiped away for just a brief moment. I didn't know what to say.

"Listen," she said, taking a deep breath. In an instant, she blinked back her tears and covered up her vulnerability. "I'm sorry for bringing you down like this . . . I'm going to catch a cab home."

McKayla grabbed her purse and started for the stairs at the end of the deck. Impulsively, my hand reached for hers. I pulled so she was facing me.

"Would you like to go out sometime?" The words were out of my mouth before I knew I had said them.

It seemed like forever before she answered. She looked into my eyes and smiled. "How about next Friday?"

"I was thinking tomorrow." My stomach churned. I had just asked another girl out. What the hell was I thinking?

"I'd like that," she said. There was relief in her eyes. "I'll pick you up at five. We'll go some place casual."

"Okay," was all I managed to reply.
She squeezed my hand, then turned and quickly walked away.

I sat at the table for a long time, staring down the staircase McKayla had just graced with her soft steps. In my mind's eye, all I could see was the provocative sway of her hips, the wave of her hair, and I wondered what I had just gotten myself in to.


The next afternoon, I buzzed about my apartment. No matter what I did, I couldn't get the butterflies in my stomach to settle down. My pulse raced with the first date anticipation that was a combination of delight, nerves, fear and arousal.

My look needed to be just right. I washed and dried my hair. I checked the clock. I got dressed. I put my hair up. I put my make up on. I let my hair down. I checked the clock again.

I paced around my apartment. I changed my earrings. I put on a different blouse. I put my hair up again. Ten years ago, I had my first date with a guy named Jason Hager and that wasn't half as nerve-wracking as this day.

Finally, I settled on a button-down white blouse over a maroon tank top with a short—but not too short—skirt. She said we were going some place casual, but I hoped I wasn't too casual.

As I stared at the mirror for the millionth time, I heard a knock at the door. The clock read 4:58. That was McKayla: always on time if not a little early.

I spritzed myself with perfume then went to the door. I took in a deep breath, then let it out slowly, trying to will the tension and nervousness away. It didn't work.

My heart racing, I opened the door.

McKayla stood there. Her hair was pulled back, highlighting her delicate features. She smelled of sweet vanilla lotion.

A long moment passed.

"Ready to go?" she asked, breaking the silence.

"Sure," I managed to smile.

"I know a little Italian place just up the road," she said as we walked towards her car.

"That sounds great." I didn't know what to say or do. It was like I was 14 again and she was the captain of the football team while I was the nerdy girl from the back row in geometry class. She was way out of my league and I was in over my head.

We got in her car, a sporty little BMW convertible. Red, of course. The top was down and the drive to the restaurant was quick.

The hostess seated us at a table tucked away in the back. The lights were low. McKayla's eyes glimmered in the candlelight.

I nervously looked over the menu, but I didn't have much of an appetite. I can't remember what I ordered; I just know I didn't eat much of it.

Another uncomfortable silence fell over us.

"Why did you ask me out?" McKayla said, not beating around the bush.

I looked around nervously, as if afraid that someone might overhear. On a Sunday night, the place was slow and there was no one around.

"I don't know," I replied. "It seemed like a good idea at the time."

That drew an amused chuckle from both of us.

"I'm a heartbreaker, you know," McKayla said suddenly. The usual playfulness was gone from her voice. "Commitment is something I'm not good at. I don't do relationships."

It took me a second to absorb her words. Was she trying to defend herself from me? Or was she warning me?

"And I don't do girls," I said, trying my best to imitate her dry smile. "But you'd better know this: I'm not going to be just another notch on your bedpost."

We both managed a forced laugh. That seemed to break the tension between us. At least for the time being. Really, all it did was put it on the back burner.

The entrees came and we started to talk. Even though we had known each other for several months, being out with her alone was like meeting someone for the very first time. We started with the easy questions.

"How did your parents come up with a name like Amberle?" she asked me at one point.

Easy question. I had fielded this one many times over the years. "My parents were dorks. They named me, my sister and my brother after characters in some books they liked."

"I didn't know you had any siblings."

"Yeah," I shrugged. "I'm the oldest."

"What are their names?" McKayla asked.

"Brin and Ander."

"Interesting . . ."

"What about you?" I asked.

"My father wanted to name me Michael if I was a boy, and Mom wouldn't let him name me Michelle. Something about some psycho ex-girlfriend she didn't like," McKayla smiled and took a sip of her wine. "So they were going to name me M-I-C-H-A-E-L-A, but Mom convinced Dad that I needed a special name, so they switched the spelling to make my name 'unique'."

"Didn't you hate that when you were a kid?" I asked, flashing her a knowing smile. "You know, you can never find pencils—"

"Or keychains—"

"Or bicycle license plates—"

"Or shirts—"

"And don't you hate having to spell your name for everyone?"

We laughed together at our shared childhood experience.

"Speaking of spelling," McKayla said. "There's only one 'e' at the end of your name, right?"

"Yup," I replied. "That's how it's spelled it in the book even though you say it like 'Amber-Lee'. And don't you hate it when people try and shorten your name? Being called 'Amber' always pisses me off."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Don't call me 'Kay' or 'Kayla' or 'Mickey'. Gawd, I hate that," she rolled her eyes, "I used to hate my name, too, though after a while I thought it was cool. It makes me special. And not in the short bus kind of way. It sure beats being just another Tiffany, Catherine or Sally, doesn't it?"

"Exactly," I replied warmly. My mind drifted off for a second. I started to say something else, but stopped.

"What is it?" McKayla asked, looking suddenly concerned.

"Nothing." I said, looking away.

It dawned on her just then. Her eyes got real wide. "You said, 'were'. Are your parents? . . . Oh, my god . . . I'm so sorry."

I smiled reflexively and shrugged. This had become an automatic response for me. "It's okay. You didn't know."

"How?" she started. "No, wait, that's none of my business."

The uncomfortable silence came back.

"Mom was killed in a car accident when I was twelve," I said softly. My eyes were fixed on my glass of wine, but my gaze was distant. "Dad died when I was 17. He was out jogging and had a heart attack."

She took my hands in hers. I looked up and smiled meekly.

"I'm sorry, sweetie," she said apologetically.

"I like my name because my parents liked it." As McKayla had opened up to me the night before, I did the same for her. I shared something private with her, something not even my best friends knew. "It makes me feel like they're still with me, and they always will be, because no one can ever take my name away from me."

My hands withdrew from hers so I could wipe the tears from my eyes.

McKayla paused for a minute, then took my hands again. Her voice was soft. "If it's any consolation, I kind of know how you feel. My real dad was killed in a hunting accident when I was two. I don't remember much about him . . . but I know that he will always love me, just as your parents will always love you."

"Thank you," I managed to whisper. My feelings about my parents were things I had buried years ago. We went to live with my aunt and uncle, but a little part of me felt like I had to grow up quickly for my sister and brother. McKayla didn't know what that felt like, but I did appreciate her reaching out to me.

She raised her wine glass. "To dorky parents and the names they saddled us with."

I tried to smile and our drinks klinked together.

The maudlin moment passed as she changed the subject on me. We spent the rest of the meal making small talk and getting to know each other better. It was so much different without Allyson and Bretlynn there. Her attention was fixed solely on me. We talked about growing up. About our jobs.

McKayla was an only child. Her mom and stepdad lived a couple of hours away. She liked living at the beach and did very well for herself as a financial planner.

After the meal, we ended up back downtown at the boardwalk. Instead of going into the clubs, we walked together up and down the strip, sometimes stopping in at one of the chincy tourist trap souvenir shops or looking for something to get for dessert.

We ended up at Coldstone Creamery. I had a "love it"-sized Oreo Overload and McKayla had them make up some concoction of M&Ms, Oreos, Snickers and chocolate chips (in chocolate ice cream, no less).

How she could eat all that and look so . . . so hawt was beyond me. I'd be as big as a house if I ate half as much as she could put away.

The two of us wandered up the boardwalk and came back along the beach, each of us holding our shoes as the warm ocean water washed in over our feet.

Our conversation continued and we got to know each other even better. I lost track of time walking up and down the beach. The lights along the shore are deceptive that way.

I noticed that the shops along the boardwalk were closed and that the traffic in the bars had slowed down.

"Holy crap!" McKayla checked her watch. She flashed me an embarrassed smile. "It's 10:30. I didn't mean to keep you out so late."

"That's okay. I don't mind." A part of me was sad that our night was ending. "But I do have to get up early for work tomorrow."

"Me, too," McKayla grinned sheepishly.

We stared at each other awkwardly for a moment. It was then that I truly noticed how beautiful she was.

I had always thought she was pretty. There was no denying that. Her body was firm all over, round in just the right places and her angular features gave her an exotic look that made me envious. It dawned on me that she wasn't simply attractive. She was drop-dead gorgeous.

Standing there on the beach, right then in that moment, I was completely blown away by the woman at my side. She was the kind of woman men would fight duels over. I'd have fought for her. And if I was reading her signals right, she was mine for the taking.

I just didn't know what to do next. It really was like being 14 again.

"Come on," she reached out and took my hand. "Let's get you home."

I looked around nervously to see if anyone might be watching us. The fact that I had never held hands with a woman before made me wonder if I had bitten off more than I could chew, but that thought passed out of my head in an instant.

Her touch was electric. All I knew was that I wanted to be close to her. I needed to be close to her. We walked quickly back to her car and rode in silence to my apartment.

She parked right outside my apartment and I led her to my doorstep, still holding hands.

I fumbled for the keys in my purse, finally opening the door.

"Would you, um . . . like to come in?" I asked.

There was a longing look in her eyes. I could tell she almost said, "Yes."

"It's late," she said with a regretful sigh. "We have to be up early tomorrow."

I didn't know what I would have done had she taken me up on the offer, but I looked away, trying to hide my disappointment.

McKayla squeezed my hands and my eyes went back to hers.

"I had a really good time tonight," she said quietly, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"Me, too."

"Am I going to get a second date?" The hopeful look in her eyes must have matched the one in mine.

"Yes," I replied. "But next time, I'm paying."

She smiled awkwardly.

It was moment of truth time. At least it was for me.

My hands were still in hers. I felt her tug slightly and I tilted my head back.

I closed my eyes. McKayla's lips were soft and warm. A shiver ran from the top of my head all the way down to my toes.

She nibbled softly on my lips. I wanted to throw my arms around her but I couldn't. My body was paralyzed, frozen by her kiss.

Finally, she pulled back. It took me a second to open my eyes. I drew in a deep breath.

"Wow," I breathed softly, unaware that I had spoken out loud.

McKayla smiled gently.

"Thank you," she whispered. She let go of my hands and took a step back. "I'll call you tomorrow. We could go out after work or something."

"Sure thing," I replied robotically. Inside, I was torn. A part of me wanted to pull McKayla inside with me and never let her go. But another, possibly more rational, part wanted to put the breaks on whatever it was that I felt and take things a little slower.

"I'll . . . ah . . . see you later." McKayla gave me a look that promised great things for our next outing, then turned and walked back to her car. I watched her, hypnotised by her bouncing pony tail and magnificent backside.

She got in her car and backed out. I went inside and closed the door. My hands still smelled of her lotion. I could taste her on my lips.

It only took a few seconds to throw my purse down and rush to the back of my apartment. Falling onto the bed, I imagined McKayla laying on top of me, her weight pressing down.

I masturbated violently, fantasising about being with a woman for the very first time.

My orgasm didn't satisfy me.

So I did it again. And again. And again, until I finally fell asleep, exhausted.


She called me at work the next morning. We had to postpone our second date; she ended up having a meeting that night. We compared schedules and found that the only time we could go out by ourselves was the next Friday. She was busy with meetings and dinners with clients; I was free most nights but we had also promised to go out with Allyson and Bretlynn some after work.

The four of us girls went out on Wednesday and Thursday. It was awkward. At least it was for me. I tried not to hover too much around McKayla and she avoided staring at me. It was like our date was something to hide.

Of course they knew we had gone out; Allyson told me as much later. They also knew we had gone out as more than "just friends", but neither of them said anything; I think they enjoyed watching McKayla and I sweat as if we had some deep, dark secret.

Each night I went to sleep wondering what I was getting myself in to. Was this infatuation or puppy love? Was I just experimenting? Was I really a lesbian? Or did I just find myself attracted to someone who was irresistible?

The memory of our kiss made me long for the next Friday night. That was the slowest week of my life, but it finally passed.

McKayla was coming over after work. I made reservations at Chez Pierre, a local French cuisine restaurant, and wanted things to be perfect for us. I was still nervous, but not as bad as the weekend before.

She showed up right on time.

"Hungry?" I asked as she stepped into my apartment.

"I'm starved, actually," she said.

After I went to retrieve my purse and keys, I turned to head for the door and found McKayla right behind me.

I jumped slightly. My body tensed as I felt her arms around me. She pulled me close and, before I could react, gave me a deep, passionate kiss.

Slowly, I relaxed as her tongue entered my mouth. Her hands framed my face.

My heart nearly leapt out of my chest. Her kiss was both hard and gentle at the same time. I could feel the desire radiating from her, yet her touch wasn't rough or overpowering like a man's.

McKayla was all woman. She was very feminine but at the same time not girly.

She pulled back enough to let me breathe, then nibbled softly on my lower lip.

Her hands brushed the hair out of my face.

"I've been waiting all week for that," she whispered.

"Me, too." My voice was barely audible.

No matter what I told my arms or feet or hands to do, I couldn't move. All I could do was stand there in her arms, trying to remember to breathe.

We gazed into each other's eyes for an eternity. Her big brown orbs were hypnotic and smoldered with lust and passion.

Finally, she let me go. I tried not to let out a disappointed sigh.

I took her hand and led her out to my car.

We made some small talk on the way to the restaurant. She had just landed a couple of new accounts at work and was very excited. I was just happy that my boss hadn't chewed on me the day before when a whole pallet of liquor had turned up missing (no one at work had actually stolen anything—this time—the new inventory system screwed up all on its own).

We were seated at a private corner table. The lights were low and the food was excellent. McKayla ordered a braised chicken and I had the stuffed duck in a white wine sauce. We talked for a while about little things.

"Amberle," she said right after we were done with our salads, her voice nervous. "Are you . . . I mean . . . do I . . . aw, shit, I'm going to fuck this up, too . . ."

"Fuck what up?" I asked after a moment.

She took a deep breath. "Do I have a shot at being more than just a friend?"

I looked into her eyes. "I've been wondering that myself. . . . Listen . . . This is all very new for me . . ."

Her hand reached across the table. I took it.

"I'm not good at relationships," McKayla said quietly. "All the ones I'm in usually end badly."

For a second, I was tempted to say something, but I could see that she was searching for just the right words.

After a false start or two, she began to speak, her voice hushed. "I don't like commitment. I don't like feeling like I'm tied down. Maybe it's because I spent so much time . . . wondering if I was normal . . . worrying about rejection or people not accepting me because of who I am . . . I wish I could explain it."

Very gently, I took her hand in both of mine and gave her a reassuring look. "I'm just the opposite. I fall in love quickly. I like being in relationships. They're safe and secure . . . or at least I like to think they are. Sometimes I put up with someone's shit for too long just because I don't want to be lonely. I've been trying out this single thing, but I'm not sure I really like it."

We were silent for a second. She looked away for a second and chuckled to herself. "We're quite a pair, aren't we?"

I smiled back. My mind flashed back to my last couple of boyfriends.

"Sometimes, I think I like the idea of being in love more than I like the person I'm with," I whispered.

"I like the idea of being in love, too . . . I think I'm too chickenshit to do it, though." McKayla gave me a rueful smile. "You know that girl we saw the other night? . . . Vicki . . . She's my usual pattern. We met at a club, hooked up and then went out a few times. Then I started making excuses not to see her."

As her voice trailed off, I felt that little twinge of jealousy in my stomach again. "Why?"

McKayla looked away. "I don't know . . . I think a part of me likes the one night stands . . . I can't get hurt that way."

"I'm not the one night stand type," I said, my voice hardening unconsciously.

"You've never had a one-night stand?"

I just shook my head. That wasn't quite true, but I wasn't about to tell her that. Not then.

She wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. "Look at me . . . I'm a mess."

"You're a beautiful mess," I said softly.

McKayla shot me an appreciative, yet mischievous, smile. "And you're full of shit."

We both took a quick drink, both to avoid having to say anything and to wet our dry mouths.

"Why did you ask me out?" she asked me for the second time.

"Because you're . . . I don't know," I stammered. "Because it seemed right."

"I don't want to break your heart," McKayla warned.

"You don't want to break my heart or you don't want your own broken?"

I could tell a flippant retort was on her lips, but she stopped. I think the words stung her because they hit a little too close to home.

"McKayla," I began. I waited until she had looked up into my eyes. "I don't know what came over me. A part of me thinks that I've gone off the deep end. I've never been attracted to another woman, but when I look at you . . . all I can think is that I've got to be with you."
"I want that, too." I could barely hear her.

Whatever she was going to say next was cut off by the servers bringing our dinner. We waited until everything was on the table and we were alone again.

"You know," she said, "You're the first girl in a long, long time that I've gone out to dinner with before I went to bed with her."

"I told you before," I replied with a sly smile and a slightly teasing tone, "I'm not going to be an easy lay for you, McKayla. You're going to have to work for me."

It was all I could do not to melt at the gaze she shot me just then. It was a good thing I was already sitting down because my knees got weak. I think if we hadn't been in public, she would have thrown all the plates and glasses to the floor, laid my body out on the table and had her way with me. And I don't think I would have stopped her.

I don't think I could have stopped her.

My pulse had quickened. My breaths came shorter.

"Sweetie," McKayla said finally. "You are so going to be mine."

It wasn't a warning as much as it was a promise.

I smiled inwardly. What she didn't know was that I was already hers.

The rest of the night passed in a blur. I don't remember what else we talked about, but we both managed to get our desires under control. She walked me to my door again.

"Would you like to come in?" I asked her for the second time.

She thought for a minute. "No."

Her response was shocking, to say the least.

"Not tonight," McKayla was clearly torn. I was hurt. Being turned down once was okay. Twice was giving me a complex. She took my hands. "Do you like me?"

"Yes," I replied, disappointment and frustration filling my voice.

"Then you need to decide if this is something you really want."

It was, or at least, I thought it was. Did I? Or was it just lust?

"Believe me," she said. "This is as hard for me as it is for you. If not harder."

I looked her in the eyes and knew she was telling the truth.

"There's nothing in the world I want more than to make love to you. Right. Now. But I want to give it a try."

"Give what a try?"

"Us." Her voice betrayed a hint of fear. "I'm tired of being lonely. I'm tired of hook-ups and break-ups. I can't promise anything . . . and you'll have to be patient . . ."

My hand went to the back of her neck and I pulled her to me. Our lips met. Hungrily.

I finally let her up for air. Our breathing was laboured.

"I'll make you a deal," I said. "You don't do relationships. I don't do girls. Why don't we teach each other something new?"

Her response was to press me back against the door frame as she put her lips on mine. Our tongues dueled eagerly.

"That is the best idea I've heard all night." McKayla gave me one final kiss and then pulled away. She reached into her purse and pulled out a business card. She scribbled her address on the back. "Do you remember how to get to my place? Good. Come over tomorrow. Say . . . three o'clock? Pack a bathing suit and an overnight bag."

Before I could respond, she turned and walked back to her car.


I was restless all night, wondering what the next day held in store for me. When the sun came up, I began going through my closet trying to find just the right outfits. I didn't know what McKayla had planned, so I threw a bunch of clothes into a bag and hoped I hadn't forgotten anything.

Right before I left, I took a shower and resisted the temptation to masturbate.

From what I could recall, McKayla lived about half an hour up the coast, and I left at about two, following the Mapquest directions to her house. I knew I was early, but I didn't want to get lost and be late. I drove by her subdivision with lots of time to spare, so I stopped in at a grocery store and bought a few bottles of wine.

As I pulled in to her driveway, I marveled at how big her house was. She had a good size lot and her house seemed to blend in nicely with the neighbourhood. Although it was only a single level, it seemed to sprawl out with the beach forming a nice backdrop.

I parked in her driveway and as soon as I got out of the car, McKayla came out to greet me. She was wearing a pair of denim shorts and a nice t-shirt. I threw my duffel bag over my shoulder and she carried the wine inside.

"Very nice," she said, putting the wine in a special built-in cooler under her counter. I picked up a zinfandel, a chardonnay, a merlot and one of my favourite dessert wines.

"Let me take your bag," she said, noticing my discomfort. She led me to the back of her house. The steps were very familiar, only this time I wasn't hungover. She set the duffel in a corner of her bedroom, the same bedroom where I had woken up the week before.

I didn't really know what to expect next. A part of me hoped she would take it slow. Deep down, I wasn't really sure that my mind wanted what my body did. At the same time, my desire for McKayla was nearly overpowering.

"Did you have anything in mind for this afternoon?" she asked.

"Not really," I replied.

"I thought we'd hang out for a while," she said. "We could go down on the beach or just lay out on the deck. There's a hottub if that's your speed. Or we could run over to the outlet mall that's right up the road and do some shopping. . . . I thought that I'd cook you dinner and then we could watch a movie or something."

My heart jumped at the "or something".

In truth, I was relieved that McKayla didn't just push me into bed (although a part of me would have been okay with that, too). "Let's just hang out here."

She seemed to let out a relieved sigh. "Okay. I'll let you change here. My suit's out on the deck."

As she brushed past me, I impulsively reached out and took her hand. She turned her head and our lips met for a brief second. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I started to nibble on her lip, but she pulled back, as if willing herself not to jump me right there.

Then, she turned and quickly left her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

It only took a minute for me to change into my blue bikini. I pulled a t-shirt over it and went back to the kitchen looking for McKayla.

I drew in a sharp breath.

She was on the deck wearing a two-piece number that showed off her perfect form. Her raven-black hair hung down to the middle of her back. The thin spaghetti straps held up her gravity-defying breasts. I swear there wasn't an ounce of fat on that girl. The tingling started again in my gut.

McKayla turned and saw me through the bay window. Busted!

I could only blush. She smiled knowingly but didn't say anything.

With nowhere to hide, I walked outside onto the deck. The view of the ocean was amazing. There were a couple of trees in the backyard, but they were arranged so the shoreline was unobstructed. A privacy fence on each side of the lot kept the prying eyes of the neighbours away.

There was a small patch of grass and then the dunes started. A walkway led from the deck on the back of her house through the dunes and let out on the white sandy beach. At the fenceline, a door kept people from wandering in off the shore. A single showerhead let people rinse the salt and sand off before coming in.

The deck itself was large. It was tiered into three levels. Down from where we were standing, an area was carved out that held a grill and a table. Up one tier was the jacuzzi, another table and a covered bar. A handful of lounge chairs were scattered here and there.

"Would you like something to drink?" she asked me.

"What have you got?"

"I was thinking of mixing up a couple of margaritas," she replied.

"That sounds great," I said.

"There are towels in the plastic bin behind the bar." McKayla answered my unasked question. "There's also suntan lotion in there, too. I've got some SPF 30, 40 and 45. On the rocks with salt, right?"

I nodded.

She went over to the bar and began mixing drinks. Nothing so crude as simply tequila and a mixer, but she handmade a margarita from scratch. I don't know about you, but in my book, that qualified her as a keeper.

As I sorted through the sunblock, she handed me a glass. I took a long pull. It wasn't too strong or too sour. It was just right.

"Beach or deck?" she asked.

"Deck," I replied.

We sat down on a couple of the lounge chairs. The sun was out but the ocean breeze kept it from being too hot.

Taking turns, we greased each other up with the suntan lotion. Her hands seemed to linger on my body and when she was done, I was disappointed not to feel her touch. I know I spent more time touching her than was necessary.

For the time being though, we pretended we were just two friends hanging out. The anticipation of the night was never far from my mind, though.

The drinks kept the butterflies under control, at least for me. McKayla seemed a little restless, but we lay out, taking care to turn over regularly.

We talked for the rest of the afternoon. Mostly about inconsequential things. Work. Our friends. Casual things.

Around five, McKayla had me tie the back of her bikini and then sat up. "I'm going inside to clean up and get dinner ready. You can shower in my room if you want or just hang out back here."

Then she leaned over and kissed me. There was hunger in her touch, and all too soon, she went inside, leaving me alone on the deck, my nipples sticking straight up and a tingle between my legs.

I spent the next few minutes trying to bring my heart rate down, then I went inside. McKayla had a couple of pots going and was busy cutting up some chicken.

She had changed into a sundress and smiled as I passed through. I went back to the bedroom and jumped into the shower, quickly washing off the oily lotion. I put on a nice blouse and a skirt and returned to the kitchen.

The smells were already permeating the house and my mouth started to water. I couldn't tell what she was making, but she had some pasta going, a white sauce in another pot and was sautéing up the chicken with some mushrooms.

"Can I help you with anything?" I asked.

McKayla looked thoughtful for a second. "How about opening up a bottle of wine? I think the chardonnay would go well with this."

It only took her about twenty more minutes to have dinner ready. She prepared the chicken and mushrooms in a white wine sauce and served it over linguini with a light tossed salad on the side. We ate on the back deck, watching the sky turn orange and red as the sun set behind us.

She was a tremendous cook and I tried to eat everything on my plate, but I just couldn't. I think my nerves were getting to me.

We finished dinner and she cleaned up. McKayla wouldn't even let me near the sink to wash my plate off.

A part of me was nervous. I had a couple of glasses of wine with dinner to build up my courage. Was I willing to go through with this?

When she was done putting the dishes away, McKayla led me out on to the deck. The sun had just set. A three-quarter moon hung reflected across the ocean. The sounds of the waves against the shore were soothing.

I knew what was going to happen next.

McKayla and I stood under the moonlight and stared into each other's eyes for a long moment. My heart raced. She took the wine glass from my hand and set it on the rail.

My palms began to sweat. I had to remind myself to breathe.

Her hands caressed my face, her soft skin brushing against my cheeks.

She pulled me to her. I opened my mouth.

Our kiss wasn't desperate or hard.

It was soft and sensual. Her lips lingered on mine. I found myself lifted up on my toes trying to match her height.

Once again my body was paralysed as McKayla kissed me again and again. Featherlight kisses. Every part of me began to tingle.

"Is this what you want?" she asked softly.

"Yes," I whispered.

"How far do you want to go?"

"I'll do anything you want," I replied immediately, desire clouding my judgment. "I just need to be with you."

If I had said that to a guy, I'm pretty sure it would have been off to third base and then a two-minute fuck right then. Instead, McKayla pulled me close to her. Our bodies pressed together.

Her hands ran through my hair. Her skin was so soft. All I could do was fall into her arms.

We held each other for an eternity. I was in heaven. Her touch was firm, but gentle at the same time. Our lips would meet, yet there was no urgency. I explored her neck and ear with soft kisses.

She moaned and dug her fingernails into my back when I hit one of those sensitive spots just right.

Then, she returned the favour tenfold. My knees went weak as her lips tugged on my earlobes. I pushed my body closer to her as she continued under my ear and down towards my collarbone.

One of her hands brushed my breast. I moaned with anticipation, but she pulled at my collar, exposing my throat. McKayla's lips made my skin crawl.

She left a trail of wet, sloppy kisses along the crook of my neck. My body burned with desire.

"Let's go inside," McKayla whispered, taking my hand.

I followed her blindly. At that moment, I would have gone with her anywhere.

We ended up in her spacious living room. Falling on to her plush sofa, we held each other. Her kisses were so wonderful, so tender, I believed I would never tire of them. McKayla pressed forward, her weight causing me to lean back.

She was almost on top of me when I pulled away and pushed her so we were both sitting up, facing each other. There was a hesitant look in her eyes. Hesitant and momentarily fearful.

For a moment, the only sounds in the room were our ragged breaths.

"Is this what you want?" I asked softly.

"Yes, Amberle," she replied. My pulse raced even faster as she said my name. "I want this."

"Are you sure? I'm not asking you to commit to spending the rest of your life with me . . . or even a week." My hand lifted her chin so she was looking me squarely in the eyes. "But I . . . I don't want to be just a fling for you."

She smiled gently at me. What appeared to be relief washed over her.

"I'll try," McKayla promised. "I swear to God I will."

With that, my arms wrapped around her neck and I pulled her close to me. I leaned back, pulling her down with me. I could have lay with her on that couch for hours.

There was no hurry. We explored each other slowly. Deliberately. My hands caressed her body. I felt her breasts against me. Her long hair tickled my face.

She made no move to undress me there. We just kissed and held each other for a long, long time.

"I love your lips, Amberle," McKayla said.

"I love hearing you say my name," I whispered back, pulling her in for another kiss.

"Can I take you to my bed?" she said, sitting up.

All I could do was nod.

She stood and pulled me to my feet and led me to the back of her house. Along the way she flipped out all the lights, but the moonlight was enough to see by. The big bay window in her bedroom was open. The stars reflected off the water into her room.

McKayla sat me down on the edge of her bed then gave me a hungry, lingering kiss. She lit a handful of candles on her dresser and the nightstand. They bathed the room in a soft glow, their vanilla scent filling the air.

I looked once more at my beautiful lover. Her dark hair hung down over her shoulders. Her eyes twinkled in the flickering light.

It only took her a couple of steps until she was standing in front of me. My eyes were level with her breasts.

Is this really happening? I thought to myself. It was like having an out of body experience.

Her hands gently pushed me back on the bed, then maneuvered me into the center.

I was lying on my back, my skirt riding up past my knees. McKayla lay down next to me.

We kissed again. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered again. Not from nervousness this time, but anticipation.

Our lips were locked together. My eyes were closed.

McKayla kissed her way over to my ear, leaving a soft trail across my cheek. "I'm going to undress you now."

I nodded.

Her hands caressed my face, then went down my neck. I bit my lip to keep from gasping with pleasure. Very slowly, she began unbuttoning my blouse. Soon the top three buttons were open and she pulled the rest out of my skirt.

My eyes were closed as she tenderly explored me. I thrust my chest forward as I felt her hand around my breast.

Turning, I eagerly brought her mouth to mine. Just as our lips touched, she pinched my nipple.

I cried out.

Her hands opened the rest of the buttons. Every time she touched me, a shiver ran through my body. I looked up and saw her staring down at me, desire and passion in her gaze.

She pushed my blouse and bra straps over my shoulder. Anticipating what she wanted next, I wrapped arms around her neck and lifted myself slightly off the bed. As we kissed, I felt the corners of her mouth turn up in a slight smile.

With an expert touch, her nimble fingers had my bra clasps undone and I found myself topless. My nipples were hard with arousal. Goosebumps covered my skin, and not because I was cold.

I pulled McKayla to me, my bare chest against her dress. My hands reached around her, searching for the zipper at the top of her neck. I had just found it when I felt her strong hands around my wrists.

"Not 'til you're naked." McKayla held my hands and her mouth hungrily enveloped mine. I fell back into the bed, wanting—desiring—right then to feel her soft skin against mine.

McKayla's soft, lingering touch continued for several more minutes. She wasn't in a hurry. A part of me reveled in the attention, in the gentleness of her. My lover knew what she was doing, and she was doing it slow. Partly to savour. Partly to torture.

I wanted her more than anything. Her slow hand stoked the fire within me.

It didn't help when she withdrew her hand from my breast. I let out a disappointed sigh, feeling lost without her fingertips on me. It quickly became a startled gasp as her mouth descended on my nipple.

She sucked it into her mouth suddenly. I arched my back and cried out. My fingers and toes went numb. I suddenly felt lightheaded.

"Oh, fuck," I whispered.

Her hand went back to my breast. Her hair brushed my face. I tilted my head back, anticipating her lips against mine.

Instead of the hard, passionate kiss I was expecting, her lips only brushed mine. I whimpered in frustration. I lifted my head, searching for her, wanting to be close to her, but she pulled back.

" 'Fuck' isn't my name, Amberle," she said softly. Teasingly.

"McKayla," I breathed.

"That's better," she replied and gave me a soft peck. She was doing this on purpose, like throwing gasoline on a bonfire. "What's my name?"


"I like the way you say it." She bit my lip. "I think I'm going to like the way you scream it, too."

"McKayla," I moaned, louder.

" 'McKayla' what?"

"McKayla . . . please . . ."

"Please what?"

"McKayla, please fuck me." I really didn't know what to say and those were the first words that came out of my mouth. I didn't really know what girls did with other girls. What I did know was that this woman in my arms was driving me crazy. I had never felt this way before about anyone.

Just having her close to me was enough to put my entire body on edge. I felt like I was going to explode. If only she would just set me off.

Her tongue entered my mouth and entwined with my own. Her hands roamed my body, first back to my chest and then down lower. I moaned again when she put two fingers inside the waistband of my skirt, then she pushed lower, brushing the top of my mound.

I didn't think the desire within me could build any further, but it did. My hips started to grind, trying to get her hand lower still, but she again pulled away.

This time, though, she didn't let me down. Her hand had withdrawn only so she could push my skirt down. I lifted my hips and soon the skirt was halfway down my thighs.
"You look delicious," McKayla said softly in my ear.

Wiggling my hips, I pushed my skirt further down my legs at the same time. When it was past my knees, I kicked it away. All I had on was a pair of black lace panties.

I felt so exposed right then. But it didn't matter. I was with McKayla. For some reason, I trusted her. I knew in that instant that she wasn't going to use me. So I lay there, almost completely naked, waiting for her to take me.

Her eyes devoured me. The hunger within her was beginning to boil over. Her touch, which had been slow and gentle just a few minutes ago, was harder. More desperate.

I liked that I made her considerable control slip.

We kissed again. Our teeth knocked together. One hand was behind my neck, pulling me to her. The other was inside the band of my panties, pushing them down.

Suddenly, McKayla let up. I opened my eyes, afraid the spell between us was broken.

The passion still smoldered in her eyes, but her expression softened. She looked nervous. "Amberle . . . Are you sure this is what you want?"

Her voice nearly broke. She was talking so softly, I could barely hear her.

"Now is the wrong time to be asking that." I flashed her a reassuring smile.

"If you don't . . ." Her voice trailed off, as if she didn't want to contemplate all of the bad outcomes that might be in store for us. Her mask of certainly slipped for a fraction of a second, her vulnerability slipping through. Then it was back in place. "If you don't . . . you need to leave right now . . . Otherwise I'm going to rape you. . . ."

In response, I pulled her to me. For just a second it was my turn to be in control. I forced my tongue into her waiting mouth. I kissed her hard. My hands went to the back of her neck. When she tried to pull away, I grabbed a handful of her hair and would not let her up.

All of the desire that was built up inside me, all of the passion, I channeled it into that one kiss.

It was wet. It was sloppy. It was rough. It was glorious. It seemed to go on forever.

She was tentative at first, but soon gave in. My hands went to the back of her dress. This time, she didn't resist as I pulled the zipper down. Nor did she stop me when my hands popped open the clasp on her bra.

I pushed her back, and reached for the hem of her sundress. We broke our kiss only for a second as I lifted it over her head, then flung it across the room.

Once again, I pulled her to me. Our bare bodies pressed together for the first time. Our tongues dueled. I never wanted her lips to leave mine again.

Her hands dug at my panties, pushing them down. I did the same to her.

Laying back on the bed, I pulled her on top of me. Her magnificent breasts were mashed against mine. My hands reached around and cupped her firm, round ass.

My legs were spread and she started to slowly grind her pussy against me. The space between my legs was slick and moist. My sex burned with desire.

Our lips never parted. Her hands were on my face as she continued to kiss me.

I whimpered in frustration as she rolled to the side. I tried to wrap my legs around her, but she was stronger than me.

Her kisses were softer now. She worked her way across my cheeks. My hands were on her body. I cupped her breast, getting my first feel of another woman. They were firm, yet coated in soft skin.

It was her turn to moan as I squeezed them gently.

McKayla left a wet trail of kisses down my neck to my shoulder. Her hands roamed my body, working their way lower. From my arms to my breasts. From my breasts to my belly. From my belly . . .

I was laying flat on my back. A gasp escaped my lips as she cupped my mound. I spread my legs.

My body shuddered as her fingers brushed the lips of my sex, tentatively at first. Then she made another pass. And another.

Waves of pleasure washed over me. My nipples were rock hard. One of them went into her mouth.

All of the blood in my body seemed to have drained out of my head. The room started to spin.

With only a fingertip on my button, McKayla began manipulating me in ways no one had ever done before. I bucked my hips against her hand.

She established an easy rhythm that varied just enough to keep me off balance, but she never let up.

"God damn, that feels good," I hissed.

My hands reached for her head. I wanted to kiss her so badly.

Still she continued to rub my pussy. Her hand was surely coated with my juices.

I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her to me. As our lips touched, she quickened her pace suddenly and pressed harder.

"Fuck!" I sobbed.

Harder. Faster.

"Wrong!" Her voice was firm, but teasing.

Her lips pressed to mine as my body tensed.

"McKayla!" I cried out.

I was nearing a crescendo. Her hand was moving faster. I began to hyperventilate. My hips moved in time with her fingers.

"That's better," she said. Her hand was a blur.

"Oh . . . McKayla . . . fuck . . . fuck me," I arched my back and thrashed around on her bed. She had built me up and I was so close!

"Cum for me, Amberle," she said in my ear. "Cum all over me!"

The tingling started in my toes. I had orgasms with guys before. I even had some pretty good, scream-and-wake-the-neighbours orgasms.

None of them compared to this one. And all she was doing was touching me.

I tried to form the words, but I couldn't. I tried to give her some warning, but I couldn't breathe.

My hands went numb. I started to feel dizzy.

It was as if all of the sensations in my body were suddenly drawn to McKayla's hand, and then let go all at once.

I cried out. I don't know what I said. I'm sure I shouted and shrieked and moaned. All I knew was that the woman who held me gave me pleasures I could never have dreamt of.

All the while, McKayla held me close to her. Our bodies pressed together.

As I let loose a primal scream, she never let up. Her hand never stopped moving.

The orgasm seemed to last forever.

Then the room went black and the last thing I remember was McKayla pulling back and looking into my eyes. In that instant, we connected on some new level. I knew right then that we were going to be more than friends. Even more than lovers.

I knew. It wasn't lust. It wasn't desire. It was "the moment." I knew that McKayla Diane Perry was the one person I was going to love forever and ever and that no one else could ever come close.

Then the darkness consumed me.


My eyes fluttered open. I must have been out for just a few seconds.

McKayla was leaning over me, a gentle smile on her lips. Her hair hung down, she brushed out of the way and tucked it behind her ear.

She leaned in and kissed me softly.

"Mmmmmmm," she purred. "A fainter . . ."

"Not always," I managed to reply. My entire body was limp. It took a tremendous effort to throw my arms around her neck and pull her close to me.

We lay in each others arms for a long time. I needed to recover my strength. McKayla seemed content just to hold me. Her body was warm. Her touch gentle. Her perfect breasts were mashed against mine.

"Thank you," I whispered in her ear. "You were wonderful."

She bit my ear lobe. The sultry tone of her voice made my skin crawl. "I'm not done yet."

Her lips went to the side of my neck. I turned my head and shuddered as she hit that nerve just right.

"I want . . ." My voice trailed off as I tried to reach for her, but she pushed my fumbling grasp away. "I want to do you, McKayla."

Under the moonlight, there was a wicked glint in her eye. "You will . . ."

As her voice trailed off, I drew in a sharp breath. Her teeth raked my collarbone. A hand squeezed my breast, pinching my nipple. Her touch was exciting and comforting at the same time.

She knew exactly how I wanted to be touched. She seemed to anticipate what my body needed.

". . . but not tonight," she slurred, her lips leaving a wet trail down my chest.

McKayla continued to work her way down my body, taking me to new heights of ecstasy. All I could do was hold on. She was fully in control. And I surrendered willingly.

A little while later, amidst the moans and screams, I fainted for the second time that night.

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